chamber of commerce, chambers of commerce, politics, elections, momentum, economic development, membership, campaigns, government affairs


Does your chamber of commerce need to build a reliable bench of future leaders to carry your message in your community? Yes.

Before Momentum, our founder, Craig Turner, The Campaign Coach, worked for the regional chamber of commerce in Western New York, directing government affairs eight years. During that time, he had a vision of reaching into the towns and villages in our area, and cultivating candidates to run for office. The hope was to identify and cultivate local elected leaders who hopefully would be inspired to run for higher office and affect the many issues the chamber was advocating. It proved more difficult than envisioned, though. Unfortunately, short of throwing some campaign cash their way, the resources simply didn’t exist to support a full roster of candidates from start-to-finish.

Now, they do.

The Campaign Coach Scholarship Program was designed for chambers of commerce and business associations, to be able to have an impact in local politics that will yield long-term results for pro-business causes. It’s true that local elected officials become county, state and federal elected officials. Your support of their candidacies early in their careers (a) can be critical to them getting early election victories; and (b) won’t be forgotten.


If you haven’t realized that special interests dominate U.S. elections, then you haven’t been paying attention. Only, some special interests are much better at “the game” than others. Business associations often struggle because they, themselves, are made up of members with their own special interests. Consequently, they’re either too spread out, or skittish about getting engaged at all.

The beauty is that chambers of commerce are highly localized. You DO have the resources to be players at the local level. Special interest enemies of the pro-business agenda are active, aggressive and are building a pipeline of candidates while you’re sitting here reading this web site. The Campaign Coach Scholarship Program gives your chamber of commerce critical tools you need to level the playing field. It’s time to create a pro-business army that will fight for your members. Not just today. Not just tomorrow. But, for decades.


  • chamber of commerce, chambers of commerce, politics, elections, momentum, economic development, membership, campaigns, government affairsThe Campaign Coach’s Complete Campaign Kit (.pdf version – $347 value), including templates for press releases, mail pieces, fundraiser invitations, letters, and even speeches!
  • The Campaign Coach’s Campaign Plan Template (w/guidance)
  • “How to Be a Player” – A Guide to Finding the Money (e-book)
  • Co-Branded materials, so your candidates are consistently reminded of who’s supporting them
  • Two personalized video Coaching Sessions for your group of candidates

Various pricing and service levels are below. We’ll work hand-in-hand with you to strengthen their efforts – keeping your mission top-of-mind. Additionally, we’ll even provide you with regular guidance on how you can continue to support your candidates throughout their campaign.

Join The Campaign Coach’s Scholarship Program, and start building an army of people who will fight for your members’ issues.


Want more information, or have questions? Set up a 15-minute Zoom call with Craig to discuss!




The Campaign Coach Scholarship Program


“IMPACT” LEVEL – Includes a .pdf version of The 2024 Campaign Coach’s Complete Campaign Kit (that you can share with as many candidates as you’d like), fundraising guide, The Campaign Coach’s Campaign Plan Template, co-branded materials and two virtual sessions with your sponsored candidates (best practices presentation and Q&A) during the current election cycle – $500

“VICTORY” LEVEL – Includes the Basic package, plus two (2) 15-minute individual “helpdesk” meetings for each of your candidates during the current election cycle, to personalize their experience and campaign strategy – $1,500

“MOVEMENT” LEVEL – Customized to meet your specific needs, possibly to include in-person training, enhanced virtual training, candidate recruitment tools, campaign management and other options – E-mail to Discuss

* The Campaign Coach Scholarship Program is a viable and impactful use for your chamber’s Political Action Committee (PAC) funding


Want more information, or have questions? Set up a 15-minute Zoom call with Craig to discuss!