When it comes to our partnership with TechCards, and our program developed specifically for chamber of commerce members, we like the tagline we use: “Are you still networking like it’s 2022?”
It holds true, because I’ve been using my TechCard for about a year now, and just this month was the first time I’ve ever brandished my card to give contact information, and had someone come back to me with their own digital business card (it was a different brand, to which the person looked at my tech and his tech and said, “I should probably get yours,” but that’s a different story…)
The TechCards program we’ve created for chambers of commerce is excellent (check it out here), and checks all the boxes. It’s an innovative, creative value for members, is easy to implement, and offers non-dues revenue to the chamber. Win-win-win.
But… That’s not where the technology stops, as there are actually MANY applications that are of significant benefit to chambers, themselves. The folks at TechCards have put the same NFC Chips that are in the digital business cards into fobs, coins and other apparatus, and are consistently seeking out new ways to use them, capitalizing on scenarios where giving information or getting input on the spot is essential and strategic.
Here are some innovative uses of NFC Chip-enabled devices where chambers can really benefit:
Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament Signs
Be the first organization in your community to offer interactive golf tee signs. Instead of a static sign (that you and I both know no one looks at), offer your sponsors an upsell to an interactive sign. TechCards has developed a waterproof pouch that contains an NFC-Chip Enabled Coin, that can be affixed to a normal tee signs. Golfers can scan the coin (or use the QR code), and be sent to your sponsors’ offer page, special tournament deal or corporate video.
Membership Tags for Event Registration Table
You’re running an event where the attendees aren’t necessarily members, and you have the opportunity to pitch membership in your chamber, face-to-face. How often does “I’ll send you some information on how to join,” actually work? It doesn’t. No, you want to get them the sign-up information right there, on-the-spot. Scanning a TechCards NFC-Chip Enabled Coin that you’ve strategically placed on your registration table with get them where you need them to go, immediately.
“One-Click” Advocacy
Your government affairs team is at a networking event, telling someone about your advocacy agenda’s top priority for the year. You let them know you’ve set up “one-click” advocacy, so they can easily weigh in on the issue. But, by the time the event is over, and they get back to their office, the enthusiasm around the issue is gone. And, despite your best efforts at spreading the word, letters to the governor are straggling. What if you could, in the middle of the networking floor, have them sign on and send their e-mail to the governor in about 30 seconds on their phone? A TechCard, with the NFC-Chip aimed at your online advocacy page, gets it done.
Chamber of Commerce Event Calendar
You’ve run a successful event, and have a captive audience that you know something about: (1) they attend events; (2) they attend your events. Rather than letting them go back to the other end of your newsletters and social media, make sure by the time they leave your event, they’ve scanned the TechCards NFC-Chip Enabled Coin on your registration table, which automatically opens up your upcoming events calendar on their phone.
50/50, Raffles
Every chamber tries to get more fundraising out of their event attendees, once they’re in the door. This is getting tougher and tougher, though. Why? Because fewer people carry cash. If someone’s willing to chip in $20 more for an extra mulligan, or an arm’s length of 50/50 tickets, don’t let an empty pocket stop them. Your TechCards NFC-Chip Enabled Coin can, on-the-spot, send your attendees to your Venmo, PayPal or other accounts, so they can participate in all the fun stuff (and you don’t lose out on the support!).
Whether you want to talk about setting up the TechCards program for your members, or look at some of these other uses for the technology, let us know! You can set up a 15-minute Zoom call here, and we’re happy to walk you through the opportunities!